List 99

List 99

Here is a list of things I want to do before I die. I am being flexible about the list and I know there are some of them I won’t be able to do, and I am okay with it.

  1. Tell my parents that I love them
  2. Travel to 20 countries across the world (8/20)
  3. Find the love of my life
  4. Discover my purpose in life (overrate) [I discovered something I enjoyed doing]
  5. Volunteer in a church
  6. Speak in at least 50 conferences / seminars and meetups
  7. Start a nonprofit organization
  8. Start a company
  9. Live in another country (Residence of Portugal)
  10. Become a parent
  11. Learn to drive a car
  12. Get a PhD(Information Management, network science, Big Data)
  13. Learn to Salsa, Tango
  14. Create a mixtape (DJ)
  15. Take beautiful photos
  16. Work in a bar, restuarant, etc
  17. Visit Singapore or Japan
  18. Visit South Africa
  19. Take a walk in the rain
  20. Read 998 books ()
  21. Run half a marathon
  22. Write a book
  23. Publish a scientific article
  24. Go on a trip overseas with the love of my life(vacation)
  25. Get married to someone I love
  26. Be consistent for 30 days in a row [Been taking a cold water shower for morethan 90 days]
  27. Get a Master degree (on it)
  28. Go on a cruise
  29. Volunteer for a cause I believe in (OpenstreetMap)
  30. Learn a new language
  31. Help someone in need
  32. Ride a horse
  33. Learn to swim
  34. Build my own home
  35. Travel to Brazil
  36. Drive a motorcycle
  37. Be happy (I am Happy)
  38. Get featured in a top tier website
  39. Publish an R package (authored my first package - working on the next)
  40. Publish a Python Package
  41. Street photography
  42. Spend a night at a 5 star hotel
  43. Visit Kenya resort
  44. Ask a stranger out (She said yes)
  45. See a live Lionel Messi game
  46. Host a dinner at my home
  47. Go Jet Sking
  48. Be a better version of myself
  49. Bowling (highest 198/300 pins)
  50. Fly first class
  51. Drive long distance (Travel from Benin City, to Akure, and to Abuja - ~600Kilometers)
  52. Speak in front of 500+ people (or more)
  53. Throw a crazy party (24th birthday was wild)
  54. Buy a drink for a stranger
  55. Be a mentor to someone
  56. Make a difference in someone’s life
  57. Perform a kind deed without expecting anything in return
  58. Connect with some past teachers
  59. Learn how to solve the rubik cube
  60. Learn to play scramble and Chess
  61. Play a musical instrument
  62. Learn kick boxing
  63. Have a snow experience
  64. Do volunteer work (hospital, clinic)
  65. Read a book on a subject I had never thought of reading (read Leaving the Tarmac)
  66. Learn wine appreciation
  67. Walk barefoot in the rain
  68. Visit a castle
  69. Start a foundation to help people in need
  70. Bake a cake for someone special
  71. Pack my bags and set off to a random location with no itinerary
  72. Do something completely crazy and out of character
  73. Fly in a helicopter
  74. Visit a vineyard
  75. Build a community (graphgeeks)
  76. Launch an open source project
  77. Contribute to about 5 open source package
  78. Visit a tea Garden
  79. Work in a bar or restuarant
  80. Be a friend
  81. Buy my mum a car
  82. Learn to Cook (I make killer Nigerian Jollof Rice)
  83. Go on a vacation
  84. Travel to the Maldives
  85. Type 70 wpm
  86. Run a Marathon
  87. Write a book
  88. Featured in a top tier magazine or article
  89. Be awesome
  90. Be kind